Located in the historic Arroyo Seco in South Pasadena, Californiapasadena
Large Box Stalls & Pipe Corrals and Historic Barn Box Stalls Plus Amenities
Know that your horses are in expert, caring hands when you board at San Pascual.
At San Pascual Stables we offer a variety of options ranging from the Large Box Stalls, Large Pipe Corrals and Historic Barn (The Old Barn) Stalls which come with individual lockers.
Please call 323-551-6841 or email info@sanpascualstables.com for any questions related to Boarding.

- One 125′ x 250′ lighted arena
- One 110′ x 250′ lighted arena
- One 90′ X 120′ lighted arena
- Four turnouts
- Two sets of lighted crossties
- Outdoor pipe crossties
- Six-horse wash rack
- Optional blanketing service
- Optional turnout service
- Twice a day feeding (hay is not included with board, please see services list for hay prices)
- Twice a day stall cleaning
- On-site tack shop
- Twenty-four hour foreman on premises
- On-call vet
- Farrier